Taking Care after Abortion, Miscarriage or Herbally induced Abortion(試訳:省略あります)
病院での妊娠中絶以外の方法を使用した場合。(薬草、あるいはMenstral Extraction月経抽出中絶法)
* 妊娠中絶あるいは流産が完全に起こった直後に効果のある薬草
* 長期的に免疫システムを強化するには、アストラガルス (Astragalus. 学名:Asragalus membranaceus キバナオオギ)と呼ばれる中国の薬草を使用することができます。3週間使用したら1週間やめる。これを必要に応じて繰り返します。
* イラクサ葉(ネトル)は鉄分、カルシウム、および他のミネラルを優れて持ち、体の再建に驚くような働きをします。
キイチゴ葉/レッドラズベリーリーフ(子宮の強壮剤)、青いクマツヅラ属またはシベリアのチョウセンニンジンのような他のハーブと組み合わせることが出来ます。 1週間あるいはさらに長い間、1日あたり2-3個杯を飲むこと。
* 売られている他の栄養ドリンクで役立つものがあります。自然食品店などで探してみましょう。
* また、向日葵種子は体がじぶん自身で再建するのを助ける鉄、ビタミンE、B-vitamina、および他のミネラルの良い源です。
低エネルギーのための療法: レイシ(霊芝)Reishi Mushroom--1日に3回のチンキの茶さじ1/2から1杯分を1日に3回
アストラガス 1日に3回の茶さじ1/4から1杯をあるいは3杯の紅茶(煎じ薬) (30分間3杯の水の中に乾いた根の茶さじ2杯をぐつぐつ煮ます。)
シベリアの朝鮮人参/ギンセン--以下の製造過程に従ってください 最も良い結果のために保証されたエレウテロサイド成分がある製品を手に入れてください。 副腎を支えて、再建します。
神経系サポート: 燕麦(オートムギ)--生化学のバランス、軽い憂うつ、不安、および不眠を回復するのを助ける。 1から3杯の紅茶; 毎日のチンキの茶さじ1/4から1杯。 オートミールも助けになりますが、お茶やチンキ剤ほど強い効果はありません。
腎臓のバランスを整える、肝臓、および他の排出器官に: ひげそり草(特に役立つ)、ロズヒップ、ローズマリー、アーティチョーク、はちみつ、および花粉のようなハーブを使用してください。
軽い鬱病のために: セントジョーンズワート--0.3%に標準化されたカプセをの1日あたり900mg。300mgずつ3つにわけるか、チンキ剤を茶さじ1から3杯。化学薬品の抗うつ剤と併用しないでください。シベリアのチョウセンニンジン(エゾウコギ)とのくみあせで効果が上がります。
Taking Care after Abortion, Miscarriage or Herbally induced Abortion
When conception happens it send the body into a flurry of activity, getting ready, and caring for the fertilized egg. After the egg implants the body is required to do even more. When herbs are introduced to the body with the intent to disrupt pregnancy it puts additional stress on the body. Many abortifacient herbs are strong and powerful, some of them have toxic properties, they tax the body, and stress the liver and kidneys. Being pregnant when you don't wish to be is also very stressing emotionally. If and when bleeding begins, this to drains the body of iron and other important elements.
This is why it is important for your health and welbeing to take steps to aid your body in regaining what has been lost, not only for physical welbeing but for emotional and spiritual as well. A wholesome balanced diet is important high in Iron, Calcium and other vitamins and minerals; plenty of rest; and the use of nourishing herbal remedies.
When using alternatives for abortion (herbs or menstrual extraction)
* Following the completion of abortion or miscarriage, herbs which would be benificial: a brief round of Echinacea (tincture or tea) would be benificial for about a week, to stimulate the immune system.
* for long term immune building a chinese herb called Astragalus can be used. 3 weeks on 1 week off, repeat as needed.
* Nettle leaves will do wonders to help rebuild the body, high in iron, calcium and other minerals; can be combined with other herbs like raspberry leaf (a uterine tonic), blue vervain or Siberian ginseng. Drinking 2-3 cups per day for a week or longer.
* a tincture of Yellow Dock aids in rebuilding iron stores as does dandelion leaf or root.
* Other nourishing drinks may be available commercially, check your local herb/whole foods market.
* Sunflower seeds are also a good source of iron, vitamin E, B-vitamina, and other minerals, helping your body to rebuild itself.
Other Post-Abortion Tips
Additional remedies you can include in your recovery routine if needed:
Remedies for Low Energy: Reishi Mushroom - 1/2 to 1 tsp of tincture 3 times a day (or simmer 1/3 ounce of dried chopped reishi in 3 cups of water for 30 minutes. Strain. Drink 1 cup 3 times a day, reheat)
Astragalus - 1/4 to 1 tsp three times a day or 3 cups of tea (decoction) - simmer 2 tbsp of dried root in 3 cups of water for 30 minutes.
Siberian Ginseng - follow manufactures instructions. Spend a little more and get a product with a guaranteed eleutheroside potency for best results. Supports and rebuilds the adrenal glands.
Licorice - 1 to 3 cups of tea daily.
Nervous System Support: Oats - help to restore biochemical balance, ease depression, anxiety and insomnia. 1 to 3 cups of tea; 1/4 to 1 tsp of tincture daily. A bowl of oatmeal can help too, but not as strong as the tea or tincture.
To rebalance kidneys, liver and other eliminatory organs: Use herbs like shave grass (especially good), rose hips, rosemary, artichoke, honey and pollen. And trace elements are also helpful.
For mild depression: Saint Johnswort - 900 mg a day in capsules standardized to 0.3% hypericin, divided into three 300 mg doses or 1 to 3 tsp of tincture. St Johnswort is a well known herb for treating mild depression, it should not be combined with pharmacuitical anti-depressents. It can be combined with Siberian Ginseng for additional benifets.
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